Perverts, Ethel Cain (8/10)

I'm taking the class that Brian Eno is giving right now with School of Song, and last week he talked about how music is a kind of world building. He said he can get frustrated with vocals in a song because they can distract from the rest of the world building that is occurring. This is an album that completely builds its own world, a compelling world at that, and lets the sound/noise/music really speak for itself a lot of the time. The crescendos and decrescendos throughout give you (as the listener) a breather but also force you to feel the intensity in oscillating sequence. Also I think the name is amazing and perfectly furthers the project of Ethel Cain from where we left off in Preacher's Daughter. Continue to be astonished. Fav tracks: Punish, Vacillator, Etienne


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