SOPHIE, SOPHIE's posthumous album put together by her creative team arrived on 9/25/24. I was oscillating between a 7 and an 8 for this, and was feeling it was hard to parse out my emotional response to the album from a more objective rating of the music itself. I don't really care though that my rating is tainted by my affective response bc that is VALID!! I wrote a book called Trans-Electronic Music, so of course I am going to tear up listening to this. And I also don't want to say that this doesn't deserve an 8/10 because the music is also just great. Sure maybe it's not as risky and boundary pushing as one would want to expect (cough cough pitchfork), but I would die to hear some of these bangers at the clerb and the pop ballads hit me where it hurts. RIP to a real legend 😭 Fav tracks: Do You Wanna Be Alive (feat. BIG SISTER), Berlin Nightmare (feat. Evita Manji), My Forever (feat. Cecile Believe)


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