In Dreams, Duster (6/10)

On 8/30/24, Duster released a surprise album "In Dreams" w their usual Numero Group. It's a great album of slowcore, and I used to be a huge huge Duster fan, but I just feel like I've been getting a little tired of the sound, which hasn't changed too much over the years. I mean yeah "Stratosphere" is a cult classic for a reason, and they have so many songs I love, but I don't know I've started to just get kinda bored. It's good ambient music for if you're working or kinda zoning out, but also just genre-wise not as much what I've been vibing to recently. On first listen was gonna give it a 7, but I've listened a few more times and have been getting a bit more critical. Idk I know some people have really been fucking w it. And if you like Duster ig, you'll probably like this. Fav tracks: Isn't Over, Cosmotransporter, Baking Tapes

