Triple Seven, Wishy (5/10)

Indiana indie pop/rockers Wishy released their debut LP "Triple Seven" on 8/16/24 w Winspear after releasing two EP's that did pretty well last year. I'd liked a couple songs of the EPs so was excited for this release. I have to say, though, it took me probably two weeks to get past the first song. While Wishy has some really great guitar, I have a visceral dislike of the vocals (by both vocalists) on a lot of the songs, and this happened in the first song. Every time I put the album on, I just wanted to turn it off immediately. Once I made myself stick with it, though, I was rewarded. Still don't love a lot of the songs, but there are a few where the vocals don't bug me and yeah like I said before, some great guitar. If you're into more poppy sounds than me, you might like it more. Blend of pop, indie rock, sometimes more shoegazey. Fav tracks: Persuasion, Little While, Busted



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