The Bed I Made, The Softies (7/10)

Ok I'll be honest, I didn't get the Softies hype before. They played at Snail Mail's Valentine West last year and I listened to some of their old stuff and just thought it was saccharine pop. Okay. I was wrong. They released the single "I Said What I Said" maybe last month? and I was like eh on first listen, put it in my playlist, and it quickly became a favorite of mine. The harmonies and lyrics and guitar are just so good. And that really is the whole album. Fell off a bit for me in the last third, but was really impressed in general. So not my typical vibe. But yeah the harmonies, lyrics, and guitar just pull at my heart strings for sure. <3 <3 so sweet want it on vinyl. Oh yeah and this is their first album in 24 years. Out on 8/23/24 w Father/Daughter. Fav tracks: I Said What I Said, California Highway 99, Dial Tone



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