Motel Cable, Ex Pilots (7/10)

Pittsburgh noisy rockers Ex Pilots released their latest album on 8/23/24 w Smoking Room. Ok I cannot for the life of me figure out the difference between Gaadge and Ex Pilots, but I think they are 4 of the same people plus Ex Pilots has some extras. I've generally liked Gaadge's music better than Ex Pilots, and I think I still do, but I did really enjoy this album. On first listen, I was kinda overwhelmed by the amount of songs (15) and feeling like they sounded sorta similar/like nothing special, but on listen 2 I got a lot more of the nuances and really began to admire it. I'm not sure if they've had female vocals before, but I think that is one aspect of the album I like a lot/differentiates them (esp from Gaadge). Awesome drumming also. Would recommend if you like alt rock. Fav tracks: Dog in the Yard, Motel, Hannah 



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