Hymn of the Pearl, Tobias (7/10)

 This is the first I'd heard of Tobias, and now I can't remember how I did hear, but wow!! Released on 7/19/24, this 7 song 16 minute album goes very hard. I love a good lofi album, and I haven't heard one in a minute it feels like. At times reminiscent of old Alex G or Greg Mendez, at other times Duster w the ambient... I actually listened to this the first time and didn't think much of it, but I put "Comet" on my playlist and just kept coming back to it being like damn this is good. Now upon second listen (and better speakers), I am really falling for it. And a really small artist! Only 1501 monthly listeners on Spotify, so go support ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ Fav tracks: Comet, Birthday, Solomon


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