Charm, Clairo (7/10)

Clairo released her third studio album, Charm, on 7/12/24 w Clairo Records. I've never been the biggest Clairo fan, though I do like a couple of her songs. I think I liked this album more than either of her first two though! It's a slow, folky jazzy album a little less poppy feeling to me than Immunity or Sling. On my first listen, I got a bit bored/felt like the songs blended into each other a bit, but I enjoyed it more on my second listen! Def have to be open to a slower softer mood than I sometimes am in. I'd quite liked the single, "Sexy to Someone," and overall enjoyed the full album too. People r saying you are either having a Brat summer or a Charm summer, and I'm definitely in the Brat camp, but I was pleasantly surprised here. At times also reminiscent of retro Japanese pop. Fav tracks: Nomad, Sexy to Someone, Glory of the Snow



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