American Hero, Towa Bird (5/10)

I've been loosely following Towa Bird forever. I remember first stumbling on to her Tiktok page (where she first went viral) for being hot and just shredding guitar covers. Then she was in Olivia Rodrigo's film and then started dating Renee Rapp and now we are here. Her debut LP, "American Hero," came out 6/28/24 w Interscope Records. While I really admire Bird's guitar skills (find those tiktoks), her sound is definitely too poppy for me, which I've known. So this record wasn't surprising in the sense that I knew I wouldn't love the sound/aesthetic. Still fun to watch the lesbian pop takeover that is currently happening. And I'll keep following her for sure. Fav tracks: Intro, Sorry Sorry, B.I.L.LS.



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