Poetry, Dehd (6/10)

Dehd released their latest album, "Poetry," on 5/10/24 w Fat Possum Records. Idk. I was super into Dehd's 2020 album "Flower of Devotion," but I got kinda over them after their 2022 album, "Blue Skies." Just so many songs sound too similar for me. But I know lots of ppl who really fuck w them, so I'd probably recommend if you're into the indie rock/poppy genre or like their old stuff or haven't listened to them before. For me, though, about what I expected which is good but again sounds p similar to the rest of their catalogue. Fav tracks: Mood Ring, Necklace, Dog Days

Tho my tattoo from Emily (bass) is still one of my favs. so will 4evr be a fan bc of that <3 



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