Minotaur, Tex Patrello (8/10)

Despite the strange and somewhat off-putting cover art, this is an awesome album!! The debut LP of Tex Patrello, whom I can't find much about, this is a 10 song 52 minute LP of experimental kinda art pop. Self-released on 5/2/24. Reminds me of Animal Collective and @. Took me a few tries to get all the way thru just bc u def have to be in the right mood (and also like this kinda stuff), but once you are, you can really see how brilliant and innovative this shit is! Been listening kinda nonstop for the last few days. So weird. Very new. Skipping across so many dif genres. I'm excited to see where Tex Patrello goes! Fav tracks: Slick-Dick's Baby, De Kalb, Long Lost Pimp



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