Look to the East, Look to the West, Camera Obscura (5/10)

Camera Obscura's first album since 2013!! Released today 5/3/24 w Merge Records. A band I truly adore. Sadly I do not think this album lives up to their past releases. Idk. When I like a song by Camera Obscura, I love it. And there's so many songs of theirs I just luv and play on repeat (almost the entirety of the 2003 album "Underachievers Please Try Harder"). But when I don't love a song, sometimes I find them just kind of boring and poppy and the vocals get tiring. That was what happened for most of this album 😭😭 And I really wanted to like it! A few songs are decent but most I did not love and they blended together. Sad sad sad. Fav tracks: Liberty Print, Pop Goes Pop, Look to the East, Look to the West


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