Underdressed at the Symphony, Faye Webster (5/10)

Waffling between a 5 or a 6 for this one, but think I'm gonna go w a 5 for now. Faye dropped her latest album on 3/1/24 w Secretly Canadian. I hadn't really liked any of the singles that much besides "Lego Ring," which is still my fav track on the album. And still my fav line in the whole album is Lil Yachty's tiny feature lol. There is some great musicianship and instrumentation and Faye occupies this unique space in the indie rock/jazz scene, but this album is so freakin repetitive. Half these songs go on for an extra 2 or 3 minutes just repeating the same line. Did not enjoy this. Still a Faye fan forever but started getting a bit bored in this album besides the great lil yachty moment. Fav tracks: Lego Ring, He Loves Me Yeah! (tho I find the yeah! a tad annoying)


  1. i feel like faye could address the issues with repetition by playing more into the jazz sound. she needs to let her band take more lead and play some sick jazz riffs/trade some 4s or something


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