Ovlov on Audiotree Live (EP), Ovlov (6/10)

Over the last couple of years, Ovlov has slowly been making their way into the category of my fav contemporary alt. rock bands. I didn't review it but nearly every song from their 2021 album "Buds" has circulated in my playlists. On 3/13/24, they released their Audiotree Live EP, which I finally got around to listening to yesterday. Quite decent! They play six of their greatest hits, which happen to include several favs of mine. I wasn't super impressed by the vocals, which were a bit rougher than the studio recordings, but the guitar makes up for it w some sick ass tones. It's a quick EP at only 15 minutes, so give it a listen if u like the genre! Fav tracks: Eat More - Audiotree Live Version, The Wishing Well - Audiotree Live Version, Deep Fried Head - Audiotree Live Version



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