Untame the Tiger, Mary Timony (7/10)

I hadn't heard of Mary Timony until maybe six months ago when I found out that she was Lindsey Jordan's guitar teacher and was also on the controversial Rolling Stones Best Guitarists of All Time list that went up, but I saw that she was putting out this album and touring and I got excited to hear her. Honestly, exceeded my expectations!! This album came out today 2/23/24 w Merge. I'm not sure what I expected but for some reason I didn't expect just good old indie rock (I think cuz I didn't know any of the bands she's been apart of), which it def is. Reminds me of Liz Phair at points. And yeah even on the songs I didn't like as much, you can tell this chick can shred and knows what she's doing w the guitar. Maybe I'll try to see her on tour. :P Fav tracks: No Thirds, Summer, The Guest


  1. sounds like she's a better guitarist than snail mail lol (and deserve to be on the list)


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