Girl With No Face, Allie X (6/10)

A recommendation from Temperance! Allie X released "Girl With No Face" on 2/23/24 w Twin Music Inc. I'd heard the song "Off With Her Tits" before and a few other Allie X songs, but I don't think I'd listened to a full album before this. I was pleasantly surprised honestly! This is an album of pure synth pop in a kinda queer Madonna esque vein. Luv what I'm taking as the Ghibli no-face reference as well as the great synth and obvi the conceit of "off w her tits" lol. Didn't love love most of the songs but was still quite a pleasant listen and there's a few bangers for sure. :P thanks t! fav tracks: Weird World, Off With Her Tits, Truly Dreams



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