I Am Not Afraid Of You And I Will Beat Your Ass, Yo La Tengo (8/10)

Bandbox announced yesterday that they are reissuing this 2006 YLT record, so I decided to give it a listen. Wow!!! So glad I did. I am such a big YLT fan, one of my fav bands ever, but they just have so many records and so many I haven't listened to, so it's always a fun day when I listen to a new one. This 2006 album is now up there w some of my favs I think. It's got a great mix of long jammy songs and slow Georgia melodies and cool innovative stuff. Love so many songs on this one. I'm even thinking of buying the reissue which comes w a zine from the band talking about the making of it even tho it's a whopping $44!!! Damn. I luv them <3 Fav tracks: Pass the Hatchet, I Think I'm Goodkind, The Room Got Heavy, Point and Shoot


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