I Killed Your Dog, L'Rain (7/10)

This album has been on my to-listen-to list since it came out 10/13/23 w Mexican Summer, but I haven't been in a super r&b mood lately, which is why it kept getting put off. Finally got around to it in my year wrap up, and it is much better than I expected! At the beginning I was kind of turned off by some of its r&bness, but I feel like I either learned how to listen to it or the songs got better cuz I was like this is kinda genius by about 2/3 of the way through. It's kinda like Solange met Tirzah met someone completely different. Great cool electronic experimentation. Still lovely vocals and melodies. Not my usual taste rn but I'm quite impressed. Fav tracks: Knead Bee, New Year's Unresolution, Our Funeral


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