The Bunker Sessions (EP), Yo La Tengo (9/10)

Um WOW. YLT dropped a surprise live EP on 11/7/23 w their home label Matador, performing "Sinatra Drive Breakdown," "Aselestine," "Fallout," "Apology Letter," and "Stockholm Syndrome." And man Ira went off with that guitar!!!! "Sinatra Drive Breakdown" was already on my list of top songs of 2023, but I think this live version is even better than the original!!! He just absolutely shreddddsssss. And I feel like they did a great job of sounding even jammier and more fun than the originals on most of these. Almost all sound dif than the original besides "Aselestine," but luv that song anyways. Great fukin EP. Fav tracks: Sinatra Drive Breakdown, Fallout, Apology Letter


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