Paranoïa, Angels, True Love, Christine and the Queens (8/10)

Ahhh okay so many thoughts. So Temperance sent me this album immediately after it came out and was like omg u have to listen to this. I get into and out of these Christine and the Queen moods, and I wasn't in one for most of this year, which is what delayed the listening. That and the fact that it is 1hr 36 min divided over 3 discs. I don't even think it's the runtime but the 3 discs that made it look like a really long album and energy commitment. And it kinda is. For me it could perhaps lose about 1/3-1/2 of the songs and be perfection, but I still really do enjoy almost every song on the tripartite album. The first disc in particular I think is a tour de force, sans "Full of Life" which I don't really get/like. But besides that it's fkn awesome. Chris channels early 2000's Gwen Stefani and Madonna (w some real appearances by Madonna) and Rihanna. The bass shmacks like Drake is running that shit. The vocals and production are super echo and reverb heavy, giving a kind of cathedral like feel to the pop. Because so much pop is shit and the same, I forget that it is possible still to have good pop music. This is it imo. A trans icon doing the trans icon work. And that cover art oh my gosh. Because there are so many songs on this, if you aren't paying attention they can run into each other/sound similar, but it's still quite pleasant. Features by Madonna, 070 Shake, and a production feature by A.G. Cook. Fav tracks: Tears can be so soft, Marvin descending, Big Eye


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