Crushed By Everyone, Water From Your Eyes (7/10)

Today (11/17/23), WFYE also released the remix album of "Everyone's Crushed," which came out earlier this year. I was pretty psyched by the singles they had dropped from this, and the album held up pretty solidly. It has remixes from a wide ranger of WFYE's contemporaries including Nourished by Time, Sword II, Mandy, Indiana, and The Dare (amongst others). My favs are still the ones they released as singles, but they are all pretty fun. I think I might actually like this album more than the original. The remixes are just fkn sick and super dancey and strange and cool. Some of the most innovative stuff happening in music rn. Fav tracks: Crushed Barley, Open - Sword II Version, Remember Not My Name - Mandy, Indiana Version 


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