Sit Down for Dinner, Blonde Redhead (6/10)

I hadn't listened to Blonde Redhead before listening to this album, but I'd heard about them a lot. I knew they were a band from the nineties that was in line w a lot of artists from that decade that I really love, but I really wasn't expecting this sound! I was expecting some grungey alt rock, but they're a lot more in the poppy realm - much more like Stereolab than any of the 90's rock bands. Pretty dream poppy. I don't love the vocals, but I think a lot of what they are doing here is very cool. Bella was like who is this? so I think she likes it. Kind of experimental art dream pop. Overall a fan and going to listen to some of their older stuff! Fav tracks: Melody Experiment, Sit Down for Dinner, Pt. 2, Snowman


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