Nineteen in Love, Hotline TNT (6/10)

"Nineteen in Love" was Hotline TNT's debut LP. It came out 10/1/21 w Poison Rhythm. I've been a lowkey fan for a while but had never listened to the full album before. I got to go see them live a couple days ago, though, so decided to give this album a listen before that. It's pretty solid. I really like the few singles they've dropped for their new album (out 11/7/23), and don't like the songs on this album as much as the new ones, but it's still a lot of cool shoegaze. Very decent. And I'm excited for the new album, which as I said has had some great singles. The show was also great. #liveloveshoegaze Fav tracks: I Know What U Mean, Slider, Let U See Me


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