Love 15, Majesty Crush (8/10)

Fucking fantastic shoegaze album. I didn't see almost anything about this album, besides that Numero Group posted it. I listened and seriously thought it was contemporary stuff along the lines of like a Julie!!! But no!!!! It's 30 years old!!!! From '93!! And this is a resissue!! Really wild because I listen to a fair amount of shoegaze, and I think this belongs alongside the classics like Loveless, Souvlaki, Psychocandy, etc. But I'd never heard of them! And they only have 400 followers on Instagram! And they're old men now! Ha!!! Really wild. But really awesome album that I highly recommend if you're into any of those albums. :P So cool. Hope they tour. Fav tracks: Grow, Uma, Horse

Edit. Ok don't expect it to be as good as Loveless. But all I'm saying is that I think it deserves to be recognized as another great shoegaze band from the nineties. 


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