happyyy (EP), Blue Smiley (8/10)

 Philly lofi/shoegaze cult favorite band, Blue Smiley just released three EPS with the entirety of their discography. After lead singer and guitarist Brian Nowell OD'ed on fentanyl in 2017, the band went on hiatus until they recently released the single Coma, which was recorded before Nowell's death. On 10/11/23, what would have been Nowell's 33rd birthday, they released everything in 3 EPs and put out a really sweet note about it. I'm not gonna review all 3 EPs, but this is my favorite, and actually my favorite even more than the two full albums Blue Smiley put out when Nowell was alive. Just great lofi shoegazey little songs that pull at your heart, especially when you know the context. Rest in peace Brian. Fav tracks: party, warm, calm


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