Goodnight Summerland, Helena Deland (7/10)

I've been a big Helena Deland fan for a few years now since I luved her debut LP "Someone New," which came out in 2020. Wow lol. Time passes. She also releases under the moniker Hildegard, and I like that stuff too which is more electronic and experimental. "Goodnight Summerland," her second LP came out Friday (10/13/23). It was written and recorded before and after her mother's death last summer. I knew it was gonna be really good and sad, which is actually why it's taken me a few days to listen to it. Had to be in a melancholic mood. Now I am. And it's everything I was expecting. Her sparse devastating lyrics go so well over just great and really innovative and intimate guitar. I feel like I'm hard on singer songwriters a lot of the time (see my Al Menne post), but this is what I want from them. Interesting musicianship. Great lyrics. To feel moved. Fav tracks: Drawbridge, The Animals, Swimmer



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