The Land is Inhospitable and So Are We (9/10)

Um WOW. Mitski's return to music comes to us on 9/15/23 w Dead Oceans. I tried listening to this on Friday when it came out, but I must have not been in the mood cuz it felt kinda cheesy and too orchestral to me. Today when I listened I was like holy fuck ! this is beautiful. Then I was like was I just being racist? Cuz if this had Angel Olsen or Weyes Blood's name on it, I'd have eaten it up immediately. But I generally have not been the biggest Mitski fan. Consider me a convert! Altho it is on the orchestral side for me, it's got enough of sick drums and guitar to keep me hooked w some excellent field recordings/noise and great lyricism. Really does remind me of Weyes Blood's recent album. The production goes off also. Fewf. Go listen. Fav tracks: I Love Me After You, Buffalo Replaced, The Deal, My Love Mine All Mine



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