Guts, Olivia Rodrigo (7/10)

Rodrigo's sophomore studio album dropped today (9/8/23) w Geffen Records. Honestly, I was impressed by this album lol. I never actually listened to Sour, but now I might. I mean it's still pop, which I have a strong aversion to, but there's a lot of innovation and great guitar happening here, and Rodrigo's voice is just wild. It's also a pretty diverse album, so it kept my attention, which is my main qualm with most pop. The lyricism is also great and relatable even tho I'm gay -- I once was a depressed straight teenager as well. I really felt for her. It's also got a questionably gay song so ,,, 👀✌❤ Anyways, yeah. I won't be adding the songs to my daily listening, but I was generally more impressed than I expected. Fav tracks: all-american bitch, vampire, making the bed


  1. thoughts on the fact that she keeps being accused of copying other artists?

  2. I've seen the comparisons, and I don't think that she's copying them. Also so much of pop is melodies that are similar


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