Crispy Crunchy Nothing, PACKS (7/10)

I didn't really know PACKS before a couple weeks ago, but they are an indie band from Toronto fronted by Madeline Link. They dropped this album, which they recorded while in artist residencies in Mexico, on 3/31/23 w Fire Talk and also announced a new album that I think is coming out in January. Anyways, I had liked a couple songs but this was my first full album listening experience. It starts off kinda slow and was gonna give them a 6 for the first half of the album but ultimately bumped it up to a 7 cuz it really starts to come together 2/3 of the way thru I think. Think maybe like Snail Mail w the kinda rough stoner vocals tones of a girl King Krule. Also kinda like Rachel Brown's thanks for coming - but mostly for the vocals. Their bio says they were also super influenced by Guided by Voices, which I can sorta see in the short guitar heavy songs. Generally pretty excited about them by the time I finished. Fav tracks: Say My Name, Rag Doll, Always Be a Kid


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