The Frenz Experiment, The Fall (8/10)

Been getting really into The Fall, a British post-punk / new wave band that started putting out music in the 80's. This is their tenth studio album and the first I've listened to all the way thru. It's really good!!!!!!! They remind me of a mix of The Clean and Devo, altho Bella said the couple songs I played for her reminded her of The Clash. Lots of cool synth and postpunk weirdness/vocals. Oo some really awesome bass as well. I like how diverse their sounds are - all pretty upbeat but some are super dancey and others are more rocky. I found this album to be awesome and liked most of the songs a lot! It came out in 1988 w Beggars Banquet Records. Fav tracks: Hit the North - Part 1, Bremen Nacht Alternative, Victoria, Twister



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