The Ballad of Darren, Blur (8/10)

Amazing new album from Blur! After an eight year hiatus, Blur is back with their newest album, "The Ballad of Darren," which arrived 7/21/23 w Parlophone Records. This album is kind of an epic (it's so surprising it fits into 36 minutes!!!!), tracking the fallout of a relationship w heartbreaking ballads, sick ass more upbeat rock tracks, and Bowie-esque Brit glam pop bangers. I'm such a fan. Really gets to so many emotions and the lyrics are devastating. In one of my favorites ("Barbaric"), Albarn sings, "I have lost the feeling that I thought I'd never lose [...] It is barbaric." Ahk!!! Shit man. What more can you say. Oh and some super sick synth on the album. Go give it a listen!!! Favorite tracks: Barbaric, Avalon, Goodbye Albert



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