On a Micro Diet, Mystic 100's (7/10)

Mystic 100's is the new and rebranded Milk Music, a band that released 2 awesome albums in the 2010's very reminiscent of 80's/90's alternative rock. "On a Micro Diet" is their first album as the new band; it came out on 3/31/23. I'd heard a song from this album a while ago, "Windowpane" and really liked it and thought they sounded just like Milk Music, but didn't know they were the same band until a few days ago! So I decided to give the whole album a listen. It took me a while since there are some long songs which I need to be in the right mood to give my full attention to, but finally got thru it today. Pretty good stuff!! Much more jazzy and Pink Floydian than their other two albums, but there's still a couple songs like "Windowpane" that really retain their old really alt rock feel. Was overall impressed and didn't end up minding the long songs. Don't love every song and actively HATED "Drug Man," lol, which is why it gets a 7, but there's some real phenomenal music and jamming and build-ups happening-- ur definitely rewarded if u have enough stamina for the long songs. :P Fav tracks: On a Micro Diet, Windowpane, On a Micro Diet II


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