Super Sn​õ​õ​per, Sn​õ​õ​per (5/10)

On 7/14/23, Sn​õ​õ​per released their debut LP w Third Man Records. I got pretty into Sn​õ​õ​per last year after finding the song "Running," which is def the best song on this album. They're a pretty silly band that puts out short lil goofy punk bangers usually only about a minute long. And that's pretty much what the album is full of. "Running" really is the star of the show on the album, ending it w a dope 5 and a half minute song, and I kinda wish they would have tried to make a few more fully fleshed out songs. Still a fan tho. Fav tracks: Running, Xerox, Defect


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