Peace Loving People, Pardoner (6/10)

Another band I found through @blurrytoddler and another post-punk one at that. Hadn't heard of Pardoner before, but they are a cool post-punk band from SF!!! Hometown :D Awesome. Will have to go to a show. This is their fourth LP since their debut in 2017, coming out on 6/23/23 w Bar None Records. It's a solid 14 song, 30 minute album of quick and fun songs w a classic post-punk kind of talky-singy vocal style over awesome fuzzy guitar solos, cool bass, and generally strange sounds. Only love a few of the songs, but I found the album pleasant and interesting and fun to listen to. They'd be a great concert, I think. Fav tracks: Get Inside!, Dreaming's Free, Cruel Gun


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