Natural Wonder Beauty Concept, Natural Wonder Beauty Concept (7/10)

Natural Wonder Beauty Concept, the new duo of Ana Roxanne and DJ Python, released their debut album on 7/14/23 w Mexican Summer. They'd dropped a couple of singles, and I when "Natural Wonder Beauty Concept" the song came out, I gave it a 4/10 on this earlier review lmao. I don't really know what I was thinking?? Cuz I actually really like that song. Ha! Maybe I'm just a bit stoned, but this album is way better than I remember the singles being. It's cool weird ambient and experimental stuff, sometimes leaning into a kind of Dean Blunt vibe, other times Aphex Twins, other times maybe Helena Deland. I fux with it. Not rlly sure why I didn't before. Probs cuz u def have to be in a certain mood for it.. but rn I'm in that mood. Fav tracks: Natural Wonder Beauty Concept, Fallen Angels, Sword, Driving


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