I Don't Know, bdrmm (5/10)

 On 6/30/23, bdrmm released their sophomore album w Rock Action Records. It's a 8 song 41 minute record, which means some long songs lol. Not always the most conducive to Syd-liking and definitely affected my scoring. bdrmm is a UK dark shoegazey band w some songs I've liked a lot prior to this record. That said, this one was a bit disappointing to me. I only really liked 2 of the 8 songs, although I like those songs a lot. The rest are kind of boring synthy-ambient w vocals that go on for too long in my opinion. Kind of Alt J reminiscent? Tho not as weird. Wish the songs were shorter and more interesting/guitar heavy cuz when that happens it's awesome! Fav tracks: We Fall Apart, Advertisement One


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