Agadez, Etran de L'Aïr (8/10)

It is with great regret and sorrow that I admit that I MISSED THIS ALBUM LAST YEAR!!! It came out 2/18/22 w Sahel Sounds, and I think I might have to go revise my "Best of 2022" post because of it 💀 damn. It's a great album of West African rock, coming from a family band in Niger that emerged out of the wedding circuit of Agadez. Their bandcamp says they recorded this album (their sophomore) in a few takes in their home studio, which grants it a super natural and energetic and party sound. You can really imagine how fun they'd be at the weddings they played. It's frickin awesome, and like a lot of West African rock rn, the guitar solos just RIP. Huge fan. Fav tracks: Imouizla, Nak Deranine, Nak Igley Ismadarana


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