Spirit World Tour, Sword II (5/10)

Sword II's been popping up on my social media a lot lately, and they have a few songs I like from their 2020 debut EP "Between II Gardens." They just released their debut album, "Spirit World Tour" with Teen Metal Soundboard, although it's only 26 minutes so I'm not sure you can call that a real full length debut lol. But I guess that's kinda trendy cuz feeble little horse just did the same thing? Anyways, it's alright. It's a pretty grungey little album of experimental alt. rock with a lot of heavy distortion. I liked a couple of the songs but was just meh on most of them. Also didn't realize that one of the vocalists for the band sings in Spanish? So that's interesting. Yeah not my fav but def doing some weird/interesting things - my favs were def the more melodic tracks. Favorite tracks: Damage, First Rule of the Bug, Silver



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