Heaven is a Junkyard, Youth Lagoon (6/10)

Another fuckin 6/9/23 release lol. "Heaven is a Junkyard" is Youth Lagoon's first album in 8 years. Wow I'm old. I haven't listened to them in about 8 years lol, so I kinda forgot what their sound was. It's cool lofi synthy indie shit. But Trevor Powers' voice kinda annoys me? I like it on 17, which is a song for the ages, but I don't love it as much on this album. There's some really cool instrumentation, but I thought his voice kinda ruined it sometimes. Idk maybe that's just me. Pitchfork luved this album, so I was kinda disappointed tbh. Whateva. Fav tracks: Prizefighter, Lux Radio Theatre, Trapeze Artist


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