Girl with Fish, feeble little horse (8/10)

Another 6/9/23 release and one of my most anticipated albums of the year. feeble little horse dropped "Girl with Fish," their sophomore album, with Saddle Creek. "Steamroller" which was one of the singles they had dropped earlier has to be in the running for top song of the year for me, so I was soo psyched for this. I went camping with my friends and listened to this and freaked the fuck out lol. Just relistened and it's not as good as I thought it was (which was AOTYish), but it's still very good. It's just got such a great combination of heavy distortion alt. rock with some more indie folk elements and also some great synth?? Hadn't remembered them as being a synth heavy band, but there's a lot going on here. It's a p short album of 11 songs in 26 minutes, but I think it's a super easy listen with p much no skips. Double thumbs up. Favorite tracks: Steamroller 😍, Paces, Station


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