Enigmatic Society, Dinner Party + Terrace Martin + Robert Glasper + Kamasi Washington (6/10)

This collaborative album dropped on 4/14/23. I'm def a Robert Glasper fan, so I was pretty excited about it, but I kept not being able to get into it because I've just been a bit R&B averse for some reason lately. Finally made myself listen all the way through and was definitely rewarded even if I don't love some of it. There's a lot of features on the album, most of them vocalists, which definitely determines the vibe of the songs. Because of this, some of them feel a bit too poppy for me. I liked the ones that were more instrumental and experimental (there were only a couple lol), but even on the more poppy ones it's cool to see these fuckin sick instrumentalists at work. Favorite tracks: Watts Renaissance, For Granted (feat. Arin Ray)


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