Simple Bodies, TV Buddha (7/10)

Debut album from duo of Eli Schmitt (Chicago) and Cole Hunt (Austin). In the bandcamp description, they write: "Part velvet underground, part Brian Eno, part Pharaoh Sanders, part yo la tengo, all parts us," which all happen to be bands i absolutely luv, so I was really excited to listen to the record (just came out 3/28/23). I was impressed!! You can really see the inspiration from all those bands, tho it doesn't sound derivative to me. I don't love their voices as much (but how can you compare to Georgia Hubley and Lou Reed), but the instrumentation and jamming and experimentation (which is what I love about all these bands) is definitely there. Super excited by this project. Think I'm gonna get the cassette! Favorite tracks: In This Town / Let Me Out, There Go the Warm Jets, Black Walls


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