Rat Saw God, Wednesday (7/10)

I've become a bigger Wednesday fan in the last year, so I was excited for this release on 4/7/23. With almost all the albums of theirs that I've listened to, though, I usually like about a third to a half and then don't like the other half, which is exactly what happened here once again lol. I like the middle section of this album which has some more melodic tunes, but the first couple songs are just too grungey/discordant for me and I got kinda bored with the last few. I prefer Wednesday when they are a bit slower ("How Can You Live..." is one of my fav songs ever). So this was about what I expected :p Favorite tracks: Chosen to Deserve, Got Shocked, Quarry

Revision: Switched from 6/10-7/10. Listening to it again today 12/6/23 for my end of year wrap up and maybe my taste has just gotten grungier, but liking it a lot more this time and think it works so well as a whole album. Lyrics are also great. 


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