Blondshell, Blondshell (5/10)

I first heard of Blondshell thru Tiktok actually last year lmao - they were really doing a good job of self-promoting some singles. While I didn't really like their first single "Kiss City," I just absolutely loved their second: "Olympus," which was up there with my favorite songs from last year. Their third single I also didn't really like and was too poppy for me. They finally released their debut album on 4/7/23 from Partisan Records. As expected a lot of the songs are too poppy for me, and "Olympus" still remains my favorite, but there are a couple okay ones. They can shred the guitar at points and I prefer when the songs are slower or more rocky as opposed to poppy. Overall it was just alright. Favorite tracks: Olympus, Sober Together, Tarmac


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