Big Picture, Fenne Lily (7/10)

A very solid new album from Fenne Lily came out on 4/14/23 from Dead Oceans. Bella and I really like Fenne and got to see her in concert last year? the year before? and have followed her pretty closely ever since. She has such a lovely voice and some incredible songs; my only issue is that sometimes they start to sound a little similar. This album fell into that same trap. There's some bangers and my favorite parts are when the electric guitar gets more distorted and starts shredding ("Map of Japan" and "Superglued"), but other than that sometimes it can sound just generically singer-songwriter guitar with a nice voice - which is still pleasant but sometimes boring for me. But I do just love her voice so much. And that guitar is so good sometimes. Hopefully we'll get to catch her again when she tours for this. Favorite tracks: Map of Japan, Dawncolored Horse, Superglued (starting about halfway thru the song lol)


  1. i've listened to this album like 5-6 times now and i really love it though totally agree about it sounding similar. the guitar is really good and has some subtle interesting parts too (eg on 2+2 sounding a tiny bit off melodically but still sounds good). i found it to be a really inspiring album for my song writing and guitar playing - mixing singer song writer with distortion (which i know syd loves sm)


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