All of This Will End, Indigo de Souza (6/10)

Indigo de Souza released her third album today (4/28/23) with Saddle Creek. Tbh I've been kinda an Indigo de Souza skeptic/hater lol. I mean I like some of her songs but I don't really get the hype and her public persona annoys me a bit for some reason. Honestly liked this album more than I thought I would! First half was just okay but second half I thought got a lot better. Interesting mix of indie rock and indie pop and then a more grungey song ("Always"). And that final song, "Younger & Dumber," which she released as a single, I just think is pretty awesome. Still not my fav indie rocker by a long shot, but was pretty decent. Favorite tracks: Parking Lot, The Water, Younger & Dumber


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