This Stupid World, Yo La Tengo (8/10)

February 10th was a huge release day with two of my most anticipated albums of the year, this album and the one from Black Belt Eagle Scout (and Brian Jonestown also released which is another favorite band!). And this album definitely met my high expectations, even if it did not exceed them. Yo La Tengo released "This Stupid World" with Matador on 2/10/23. I'd listened to all the singles they had released prior-- Fallout, Aselestine, and Sinatra Drive Breakdown-- and been super psyched by all three, even becoming three of my favorite YLT songs of all time. Disappointing in that they remain my top three songs from the album and some of the new songs were not as great, but the album's still a good one. Sinatra Drive Breakdown is a crazyyyy guitar jam and Georgia's voice is so great on Aselestine. Got to see YLT perform live last week in SF at the Fillmore, and they definitely proved that they are one of the best rock bands ever. Favorite tracks: Fallout, Aselestine, Sinatra Drive Breakdown 



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