Swampy (EP), Dry Cleaning (6/10)

New 5-song EP from Dry Cleaning, "Swampy" came out with 4AD on 3/1/23. The first two songs came out as singles prior, and I actually like both those songs a lot. The second, "Sombre II" actually follows their "Sombre One" from a 2019 EP. The third is a dancey remix of their song "Hot Penny Day" by Charlotte AdigĂ©ry and Boris Pupul - WHOM I DO NOT LIKE - so it's not surprising that I dislike their remix. The fourth is a remix of their song "Gary Ashby" by Nourished by Time, which is alright, but I like both the originals of "Hot Penny Day" and "Gary Ashby" better than the remixes. The final song is a lil demo song called "Peanut" that I just ADORE! Great. Why did they include the remixes idfk. 


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