SICK!, Earl Sweatshirt (7/10)

This Earl Sweatshirt album came out on 1/14/22. I listened to it then and liked it a lot but didn't rate it/write a review. Now that I'm doing my year wrap-up, though, I wanted to go back and re-listen so I could rate it. I'm definitely an Earl Sweatshirt fan, and I think this album is super solid. It's got some really great samples -- going towards a more jazzy/R&B kind of rap, and his rapping is just stellar - I really do love his voice and lyricism. And as I've said before, I also appreciate when there's not too many samples so that you can really hear what he is trying to do, and what he is trying to do here is very elevated and unique (always like when rap goes away from pop and towards other genres). Favorite tracks: Tabula Rasa (feat. Armand Hammer), Lobby (int), Fire in the Hole



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