FULL TIME LOVER, Eyedress (5/10)

Eyedress dropped this 28-track 1hr 11 min album on 8/26/22. There were a few Eyedress songs that I knew before this, but Zain (whose music taste I super align with) had a few songs from this album on their Spotify top 5, so I decided to listen and rate it. If I had to describe it, the vibe is Jockstrap x Mac Demarco with some rap lol. V chill experimental pop. If you are into that sound, I think you would love the album, but I'm only eh on that sound, so I was pretty meh about the whole album. I respect the music and there's a few songs I like a lot but none that I really would listen to over and over. It's also pretty long for my attention span 😬 hehe Favorite tracks: FULL TIME LOVER, A GOOD LIFE



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